Gas Services

The MMUA Gas Circuit Rider (GCR) program provides specialized support for municipal gas utilities. Ensuring Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) compliance is at the core of the program. 

This service includes both operator technical training and regulatory compliance assistance, and has proven to be very helpful and popular for the gas utility member. The MMUA Natural Gas Circuit Rider works to ensure your natural gas system operators meet all mandated requirements, including operator qualification, public awareness plans, and the Gas Distribution Integrity Management Plan (DIMP).

This program pays attention to detail, but also manages to be wide-ranging and flexible, with the ability to address a variety of needs.

MMUA launched the Gas Circuit Rider Plus (GCR+) program in 2024. This new initiative is designed to enhance the GCR core program, offering additional flexibility and customization for utilities wanting more time and services.

GCR core program benefits

The primary service offered by the GCR core program is six days of dedicated training and evaluation. For many program participants, the schedule of services could consist of:

  • Pre-inspection evaluation (1 day)
  • Assistance with a Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety (MNOPS) inspection, including field and records, operation and maintenance (O&M) records, gas emissions, and more (2–3 days)
  • Covered task evaluations—typically plastic pipe fusion (1 day)
  • Additional compliance assistance with manual or program updates (1 day)

The GCR core program provides additional benefits to keep personnel current on best practices and qualifications, including emergency plan training, a monthly newsletter, Midwest Energy Association (MEA) membership and tracking, state and federal reporting reminders, 24/7 emergency assistance, and more.

GCR+ program benefits

Many utilities take full advantage of their Gas Circuit Rider core benefits each year by involving MMUA in program manual review, maintenance, and inspections. This often leaves little time for hands-on technical instruction and other activities that can save costs in the long run for the utility.

MMUA created the GCR+ program to help utilities maintain and expand their proficiency and excellence in natural gas operations. The program is open to all gas members, regardless of participation in the GCR core program.

Through the GCR+ program, utilities can purchase fully customized sessions for:

  • Training and evaluation
  • Additional inspection assistance
  • Qualifying operators for covered tasks
  • Training new employees
  • Leak inspection training
  • Program development/manual updates
  • Regulator/meter assistance
  • Additional topics specific to the utility
Meet the instructor

Jay ReadingDennis Danielson is the MMUA Natural Gas Circuit Rider. He leads and coordinates all gas services for the organization. Dennis has more than two decades of experience in municipal gas operations, working in facilities of varying size. He brings an exacting attention to detail and extensive regulatory knowledge to the role.

To schedule a session, please contact Assistant Director of Technical Services Jay Reading