
At MMUA, we believe that safety management is much more than a day of classroom training.

The safety and well-being of employees, customers, and the general public are at stake every day. It’s important to change the mindset around safety policies and procedures in order to build a solid safety culture.

This takes time and commitment from a trusted safety partner who will get to know you, your team, your community, and the specific challenges you face. The reward is a better working environment and a better bottom line through workers' compensation premium cost containment.

Our Safety Management Program is built on the ongoing partnership developed between your MMUA regional safety coordinator and your staff; management team; and board, council, or commission. We’re committed to building a long-term relationship with your organization to better understand your needs and provide the best possible guidance.

Nationally recognized and trusted by local governments throughout our region, MMUA’s Safety Management Program provides comprehensive solutions for your safety concerns. We know the hard work begins after the training session. We’re here for you around the clock, every step of the way.

Wondering what’s included in your monthly visits? Here’s a sample of program components that can be customized to fit your needs and your community.

  • Monthly on-site safety committee meetings
  • Standard record-keeping system
  • Company-wide required and general safety education
  • Department-specific training as needed
  • Development and implementation of organizational safety goals and objectives
  • Facility and worksite audits with reporting
  • Maintenance of all MMUA and OSHA safety manuals and programs
  • Monitoring and reporting of safety training requirements
  • Preparation or oversight of required state and federal reporting
  • Consistent interpretation of laws, rules, and regulations regarding compliance management and general safety

The MMUA Safety Management Program is open to member municipal utilities and other city departments of all sizes. This includes electric, gas, and water utilities; public works and streets; parks departments; public safety; administration; and much more. We often say that we know safety from A to Z—airports to Zambonis and everything in between.

Through the Safety Management program, a regional safety coordinator visits every month for the number of days you select with your customized program. 

We provide required and requested training on safety topics, keep your safety records, update your manuals, and walk through your facilities to provide on-the-job feedback. We also conduct mock OSHA inspections and provide suggestions on field practices. 

Each month, we assess which issues are most relevant to you and your team at the present time. 
MMUA goes beyond mandated training to develop programming specific to your organization's needs. We are there for you 24/7.

To learn more about the Safety Management Program, please contact Director of Training and Safety Mike Willetts.