Grant Information

Municipal utilities have many options for funding their operations. The most obvious is through the funds of ratepayers, both in the present year and through bonding for large sums that are recovered from ratepayers over a longer period. 

Another source of money to consider is seeking grants intended for local governments. This is generally money that has been appropriated for specific purposes. It may or may not have a local matching requirement. 

Many funding opportunities come from state and federal agencies, and a few private foundations also make grants to small communities undertaking projects that align with the foundation’s goals. Just as setting rates or issuing bonds takes work, so does writing and administering grants. The rewards for successful grant-seeking can be great. Because this money doesn’t have to be paid back, you can make improvements to your utility without raising rates.

MMUA does not have the resources to write grants for all its members. We do have a staff that is knowledgeable about grant-seeking, and we are eager to help you with the grants you are interested in pursuing. For assistance, contact Karleen Kos.

Know your grants

Not all grants are created equally. When seeking and applying for grants, it’s important to know what type of grant program is making the funds available. That will help you assess the likelihood of success and make an informed decision about whether seeking the funds makes sense in light of the resources it will take to apply. Check out “Know Your Grants” in the Resource Library.

Fifteen Tips for Successful Grants

Grant opportunities

At any given time, there are dozens of grant available that may meet the needs of municipal utility members and their cities. When MMUA is aware of projects members are planning, the Association will attempt to notify them of funding opportunities that may be considered. MMUA also publishes grant opportunities that may be of interest to a wide range of members in its weekly e-newsletter The Digest and posts them on this page.



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