Electrical Superintendent - Moose Lake

Posted By: Dan Brown Classifieds,

Electrical Superintendent – Manager

Moose Lake Water & Light is accepting applications for the position of Electrical Superintendent/Manager. Moose Lake, Minnesota has a population of approximately 2,900, and is conveniently located 40 miles south of Duluth. We would like to interview candidates having the following backgrounds: electric utility experience, management background, financial management, strategic planning and operation of local generation. Salary range is $90,000-$110,000 depending on qualifications. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume and completed application (available on www.mooselakepower.com) to Dan Brown, Moose Lake Water & Light, PO Box 418, Moose Lake, MN 55767 by October 1, 2024 with application review beginning thereafter.  Applications will be held in strict confidence. Moose Lake Water & Light is an equal opportunity employer.  Questions may be directed to dbrown@mlwl.us.