Vendor Spotlight—National Conductor

Vendor Spotlight,

MMUA is proud to present a new monthly series: “vendor spotlight.” Our associate members are crucial partners in delivering reliably excellent utility services to Minnesotans. This series will provide an opportunity to get to know them a little better, highlighting the ways they support MMUA and municipal utilities around the state. 1

National Conductor

Brainerd-based National Conductor Inc. specializes in the construction and maintenance of power substations, switchyards, and Turbine Isolated Phase Bus (IPB) power generation projects.

President Tyler Zahn's journey with National Conductor Inc. began long before he stepped into his current role. His connection to the company is deeply rooted in his childhood, shaped by years spent alongside his father, the original owner and founder. "My dad started the company, and I grew up around it," Tyler recalls. "I spent my summers working in the shop, getting hands-on experience. During high school, I even worked on the road, gaining exposure to substation projects."

In 2006, Tyler transitioned into the office, beginning his formal career in purchasing and materials acquisition. By 2008, he had become the operations manager, working side by side with his father to handle all aspects of the business. This partnership continued until 2012, when Tyler was promoted to Vice President of Operations. Four years later, in 2016, he took a significant step by purchasing his father's shares and becoming the company's sole owner, marking the beginning of a new era for National Conductor.

Expansion and evolution

The transition wasn't without challenges. Over the past 8 years, National Conductor has seen both continuity and change. "We've maintained employees who have been with us for decades," Tyler notes. "Our longevity is due to how we treat our staff and the strong relationships we've built."  National Conductor remains a union contractor, a distinction Tyler values deeply.

"We started as a family-owned, family-run business, and that remains true today. Our commitment to our employees, clients, and quality work will continue to drive our success."

One of the significant shifts Tyler initiated was a strategic focus on the Midwest. Historically, the company operated nationwide, often undertaking extensive projects that required staff to be away from home for long periods. Tyler's goal was to build stronger relationships with local utilities like Minnesota Power, Great River Energy, and the region’s municipal utilities. This focus has resulted in contracts that ensure steady work closer to home, benefiting the company, its customers, and its employees.

Major projects and achievements

National Conductor has undertaken several notable projects in recent years. A standout achievement is the completion of the Warroad 500 kV Cat Bank project with Minnesota Power and Hitachi ABB Power Grid, part of the Great Northern Transmission Line project. Additionally, the company has built numerous substations for Minnesota Power, earning a five-year Alliance Agreement as their sole contractor. Similar agreements with Great River Energy and other utilities underscore the company's reputation for reliability and quality.

Building the culture

Tyler attributes much of the company's success to its strong family culture. "We have an open-door policy, and I know every employee by name," he says. This personal connection extends beyond work, with employees participating in fishing trips, barbecues, and other team-building activities. "It's about building relationships and trust. We genuinely care for each other, and that translates to a strong commitment to our work."

This commitment to relationships extends to National Conductor's clients. Tyler emphasizes the importance of honesty and proactive problem-solving in project management. "Every project has challenges, but we work closely with our clients to address potential issues before they arise," he explains. This approach has earned the company a reputation for delivering quality results and maintaining strong client relationships.

Safety is another priority for National Conductor Inc. The company offers comprehensive safety training for all field employees, ensuring high standards are maintained across all projects.

Looking ahead

As National Conductor continues to grow, Tyler is excited about the future. The company is expanding its work in renewable energy, building collection substations for solar and wind projects. They are also taking on more EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) projects, providing a complete package for clients.

"Family is at the heart of our business," Tyler concludes. "We started as a family-owned, family-run business, and that remains true today. Our commitment to our employees, clients, and quality work will continue to drive our success."

About National Conductor Inc.

National Conductor Inc. specializes in the construction and maintenance of power substations, switchyards, and Turbine Isolated Phase Bus (IPB) power generation projects. The company’s approach is to handle scheduling, material acquisitions, and equipment issues in-house, allowing field personnel to concentrate fully on their projects. Learn more by visiting  

  1. *Spotlighted companies are generally chosen from those who support MMUA at the gold and silver sponsorship levels as a way of saying thank you for their commitment to Minnesota’s municipal utilities. Being featured in a spotlight story does not indicate MMUA endorsement of any company’s products or services.