Northland Securities, Inc.

150 S 5th St, Ste 3300 Minneapolis, MN 554024205


Associate Member

Member Since: 2000

Photo of Northland Securities, Inc.

Organization Overview

Northland Securities provides financial advisory, bond underwriting and investment services to Minnesota municipal utilities and local governments. Northland specializes in the planning, issuance and management of debt for infrastructure and other capital projects. Northland provides unique insights from the bond market to help issuers find the most effective means to achieve their financing objectives. Northland also provides consulting services for rate studies, financial planning, and economic development. Northland is consistently a leading underwriter of new long-term municipal bonds in Minnesota (Bloomberg Finance, Annual League Tables Rankings, Full Year).
Photo of Northland Securities, Inc.


Elliot Klim

Fixed Income Associate, Institutional Sales

Rusty Fifield

Director of Public Finance